Deconstructing Transphobia


Almost all of us interact with gender on a daily basis in some form, yet our understanding of its origins and impacts are often limited. This workshop aims to deconstruct the ways in which we consider those most impacted by our gendered system, and build understanding and solidarity with Trans and Non-binary people both within and between our communities. 

Workshop Intentions

  • Develop a greater understanding of what Trans issues are.
  • Introduce new ways of thinking about Sex and Gender.
  • Explore terminology used to describe Trans identities and experiences.
  • Learn how to identify and respond to Transphobia.

This workshop lasts approximately 2 hours, and can be delivered online or in-person. An additional module on Trans Climate Justice is also available.


Who is this workshop aimed towards?

This workshop is aimed towards progressive organisations, such as charities, social justice groups, and student societies/unions. Whilst the workshop is largely intended for cisgender audiences, Trans and Non-binary individuals are also welcome to attend.

How is this workshop different than Traditional Trans Inclusion trainings?

This workshop includes elements from my own lived experience, and is aimed at those who already have an interest in social change. This enables me to explore more nuanced and complex ideas around sex, gender, and trans lives to further the understanding of those who care about enacting change.

Why should you hire a freelance trans educator?

As a freelance educator I am accountable to myself and my community, rather than a charitable organisation or scheme. This gives me the freedom to develop and deliver content that more candidly reflects the issues currently faced by trans people, including my own personal stories. I am not limited by charity guidelines, Key Performance Indicators, or respectability politics.

Another advantage of this is the ability to keep my workshop costs comparatively low, as I am only funding myself. All charges go straight back into my work or living costs, helping to finance my advocacy.

Are transphobic individuals welcome?

From my experience, someone who is prejudiced or discriminatory against trans people is unlikely to engage with a workshop delivered by a trans person, and is much more easily challenged on their transphobia by someone who is cisgender, especially someone they know personally.

I always encourage people to ask questions at my workshops, however have found that transphobic attendees often ask inappropriate and abusive questions throughout, causing distress to myself and trans attendees. These questions are rarely relevant to other attendees, taking time and focus away from the workshop content they have come to learn from.

For these reasons, transphobic individuals are not welcome at my workshops.


Eddy’s workshop was insightful and provided us with tangible ways that we could work against transphobia – I loved the way they combined theory with practicalities, and it was easy to stay engaged throughout. The workshop I took part in was for the Stop Rosebank campaign and they adapted it to fit our needs and our specific context. It’s an essential workshop for any group or network in the climate justice space!


Stop Rosebank Campaign

As a trans person working in HR I’m always apprehensive about trans inclusion sessions. Too often they’re led by cis people, overly theoretical, and – frankly – leave us with staff who have beliefs about trans people that we have to un-teach them. Eddy gets it though. They are a part of the community and speak like a real person – providing an excellent primer to our community and how we work. They were friendly, responsive, and flexible about the work and I would very happily have them back to Exeter in future.

EDI advisor

University of Exeter

The workshop was really informative and a very good introduction, starting right at the basics. It didn’t assume any level of previous knowledge, which was very beneficial for some members of the group, whilst also allowing more experienced and knowledgeable members to participate and share their experience. Overall a very engaging workshop that gives people a solid starting point and leaves people with clear ways they can take their learning further.


Jubilee Movement Sheffield

Our group benefited a lot from Eddy’s Deconstructing Transphobia workshop – they’re a skilled facilitator who created a welcoming environment where people were comfortable to ask questions and learn more about practising solidarity with the trans community.

Jessica Kleczka

Climate psychologist and #StopRosebank campaigner

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